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Full text of "USPTO Patents Application 09882080"

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Jul-28-2005 13:34 F rora-PH I L I PS ELECTRONICS ICS 


T-055 P. 002/005 F-565 

U-S- Serial No. 09/882,080 
Atcorney Docket No. pha 25 ,2 BOA 

Page 2 of 5 


Claim 14 stands finally rejected under 35 USC 103 as being 
unpatentable over Sporer et al . in view of Andrew et al . and 
Freeman et al . 

Previously, the Applicant has respectfully pointed out that 
the claims recite features neither taught nor suggested by the 
combination of Sporer et al . in view of Andrew et al . and Freeman 
et al. In particular, such features include *a tag inserter, for 
inserting marker tags into each picture of the compressed video 
stream which reference locations in memory where each picture of 
the video is stored" . 

In addressing the above feature in the previous rejection, 
the field index disclosed in column 9, lines 9-22 , of Sporer et 
al. was being relied on. In response, the Applicant pointed out 
that in column 9, lines 23-26, Sporer et al . discloses that each 
entry 72 of the index is a bit offset into the bitstream of the 
of an MPEG header which proceeds the compressed picture. Based 
on this, the Applicant contended that the index of Sporer et al . 
cannot be reasonably interpreted as "referencing locations in 
memory where each picture of the video is stored", as required by 
the claims. 

In order to maintain the present rejection, the Examiner is 
now relying on column 9, lines 9-26, and column 5, lines 36-41, 

" tf: \UeerPublic\GR\PHA\a232eOa_116anid_7-27-05.DOC 


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T-055 P. 003/005 F-565 

U.S. Serial No. 09/882,080 
Attorney Docket HO. PHA 2 3, 2 8 OA 

Page 3 of 5 

of Sporer et al . 

First of all, as previously pointed out, column 9, lines 9- 
26, of Sporer et al . only discloses that each entry 72 of the 
index is a bit offset into the bitstream of the of an MPEG header 
which proceeds the compressed picture. Therefore, it is evident 
that the index of Sporer et al. is not "referencing locations in 
memory where each picture of the video is stored", as required by 
the claims. 

Further, in column 5, lines 36-41, Sporer et al . discloses 
that the storage system typically stores data in data files 
accessible by other application programs through the filing 
system of an operating system. Based on this, it is evident that 
the data files in the storage system of Sporer et al . are being 
accessed by other applications programs. Nowhere in Sporer et 
al. is it disclosed that the index in column 9, lines' 9-26, are 
being used to reference the data files in the storage system. 

In view of the above, it is respectfully submitted that 
Sporer et al . cannot be reasonably interpreted as disclosing «a 
tag inserter, for inserting marker tags into each picture of the 
compressed video stream which referencing locations in memory 
where each picture of the video is stored" , as required by the 
claims. Therefore, it is respectfully submitted that this 
feature is distinguishable over Sporer et al . in view of Andrew 
et al. and Freeman et al. 

N: \UserPublic\GR\PHA\a2328Oa_li6amd_7-27-0S .DOC 

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T-055 P. 004/005 F-565 

U.S. Serial No. 09/882,080 
Attorney Docket No. PHA 23,28QA 

Page 4 of 5 

It is further respectfully submitted that the presently 
recited "a correlator for using the marker tags to correlate 
decompressed portions of the video to the location in memory of 
the corresponding compressed portions and for locating in the 
memory the nearest previously displayed anchor frame" is also 
neither taught nor suggested. In addressing this feature in the 
above rejection, paragraph 115, of Freeman et al . is being relied 

In paragraph 15, Freeman et al, states that to be able to 
reconstruct full video images, the decompressor /decoder needs to 
have a minimum number of I, P and B frames. However, claim 14 
requires "locating in the memory the nearest previously displayed 
anchor frame 1 '. In paragraph 115 of Freeman et al, such a feature 
is not disclosed. Therefore, it is respectfully submitted that 
the presently recited "correlator" is also distinguishable over 
Sporer et al . in view of Andrew et al . and Freeman et al . 

In view of the above -described descriptions, it is 
respectfully submitted that the invention of claim 14 is not made 
obvious by Sporer et al . in view of Andrew et al . and Freeman et 
al. Therefore, reconsideration of this rejection is respectfully 



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Jul-28-2005 13:34 From-PHILIPS ELECTRONICS ICS 


T-055 P. 005/005 F-565 

U.S. Serial No. 09/882,060 
Attorney Docket No. PHA 23,280A 

Page S of 5 

The Commissioner is hereby authorized to credit any 
overpayment or charge any fee (except the issue fee) to Account 
No. 14-1270. 

Respectfully submitted, 

Russell Gross, Keg. 40,007 
(914) 333-9631 

N : \Usa r Publ i c \GR \ PHA\ a2 3 2 8 0 a_ 1 1 6 amd_? - 2 ? - 0 5 . £>OC 


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